Gary and Kathy are leading and instructing our "Complete Photographer" course. But as an added bonus Gary is also certified to run the PPA Certification Exam. (For more information regarding being certified contact Don at: don@macgregorstudios.com)
The Meeks main desire is to make sure you come away with the "ESSENTIALS" of the photography trade and business. If you are in limbo and lost in your journey as a professional photographer, then this class is perfect for you.
Gary and Kathy Meek of Hot Springs, Arkansas own and operate Gary’s Studio of Photography in Hot Springs.
Both Gary and Kathy have received their Master of Photography, Photographic Craftsman and Certified Professional Photographer degrees. Gary has received his Educational Associate and Honorary Educational Associate from American Society of Photographers.
They are Approved Photographic Instructors. Gary and Kathy have received their Associate Fellowship, Fellowship and Senior Fellowship Degrees from Arkansas Professional Photographers Association.
Gary and Kathy have been awarded Life Membership in Arkansas Professional Photographers Association and Southwestern Professional Photographers Association.
Gary and Kathy have both received a Fellow of Photography degree in conjunction with Professional Photographers of the Ozarks. They are both on the list of International Judges. Gary and Kathy are both active in State, Regional and National Associations.Gary served on the Board of Directors of Professional Photographers of America 1999-2007, is a Past President of Arkansas Professional Photographers Association, a Past President of Professional Photographers of the Ozarks and was President of Southwestern Professional Photographers Association for two consecutive years.
Kathy is a councilor for Professional Photographers of America, President of ASP, Past President of Arkansas Professional Photographers Association and she is a Past President of The Southwestern Professional Photographers Association.
Course Description:
If you want to really UNDERSTAND the “What, Why and How” of photography, this class is a MUST.
Gary & Kathy Meek, from Hot Springs, Arkansas, USA, will help you learn the skills that are vital to being a successful photographer and business owner. There will be a lot of hands on photography so be sure to bring your own equipment, as we will be exploring how to finding light outdoors as well as creating light in the indoor studio setting.
We will not forget posing and composition to enhance the artistic side of our craft, to take you to the next plane, that of a “portrait artist”.
We will teach you to find the quantity, quality, color and direction of light. We might even get up REAL early and do a sunrise safari.
We are seeing photographers today that can pass their written test to become a Certified Professional Photographer but their photographs will not pass. This class will cover the elements of photography that will help in your image submissions and even materials that will help on the written exam as well.
Through Gary & Kathy’s easy-to-understand style of teaching, the students in this class will gain a working-level understanding of essential technical elements: white balance, histograms, raw files and conversion, and file management, all of which are essential portrait craft elements. The class will also cover studio and location lighting, lighting for portraiture, proper posing and the essential artistic elements of light, learning to see, and feel the emotion of the moment and then transfer that to the finished work. This class will combine lecture with hands-on learning and enlightenment. Whether you’re relatively new to portrait photography or have been in business a few years and would just like to have a good refresher, this course will enable any photographer to move forward with confidence as they reach toward the next level.
Come join us, learn, experience and have fun.

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