One of my fav reads this winter has been this book called "Outliers" by Malcom Gladwell.
In essence, this book is about Success, and people who have become successful. But what makes this book different from all the others is how Malcom brings it down to 3 main components that all successful people have in common.
Once of the main common denominators with all successful people has been 10,000 hours. It seems that everyone who has become successful in their craft, skill or career, has committed to over 10,000 hours in their field. In fact Malcom mentions how Bill Gates and the Beatles even invested themselves in well over 10,000 hours.
So here is the just of the story I am telling.
We often view success and failure from a view of what I did right or wrong.
What if it is merely the fact that you have not finished your 10,000 hours ?
When I think of all the successful people in the world right now, I find it hard to think that they had gotten to where they are merely by accident or because they were just so gifted. I think the fact that they invested and worked hard at their craft and skill helped in getting them there.
So as a photographer, where are you right now ?
Are you one who has finished his/her 10,000 hours and if so, are you maybe ready for a "swing change" much like Tiger Woods, and take your game to another level ?
Get this book and have a break. It will not only inspire you but give you much food for thought during this time where the economy is rough.
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