Friday, 9 November 2012

IE 2013 INSTRUCTORS | Image Explorations Photography School


So I started to receive messages on who the NEW INSTRUCTORS are for IE2013. 
Therefore instead of leaving this for the 3rd blog post I decided I will let you all know who will be teaching for Image Explorations 2013 Now.

PEOPLE..... Meet your 2013 instructors


    *** Pick any 2 instructors of your choice for 2 modules of 13hrs of learning***

1. Julia Kelleher (Radlick) - Specialty: Maternity, Infant/Children Portraiture
  Course #1 - Maternity, infant/children portrait
  Course #2 - Sales System and Pro-Select

2. Sharmila Singh - Specialty: Social Media and Strategic marketing
 Course #1 - TBA
 Course #2 - TBA

3.  Mary Fisk-Taylor and Jaimie Hayes - Specialty: Portraiture and Marketing
Course #1 - Portrait
Course #2 - Marketing

4. Bry Cox - Specialty: Contemporary Fashion Wedding
Course #1 - Fashion Lighting for Weddings 101
Course #2 - Fashion Weddings 201

5. Suzette Allen and Jon Yoshi - Specialty: Lightroom 4 and CS6
Course #1 - LIGHTROOM 4 and work flow
Course #2 - CS6 and retouching

6. Kay Eskridge  - Bourdoir and Portraits.
Course #1 - Boudoir
Course #2 - Children and Family

1 INSTRUCTOR TRACK (full 4.5 days)
 *** You can only take ONE OF THESE INSTRUCTORS ***

1. Joel Grimes - Specialty: Fashion / Commercial photography

2. Richard Studervant - Specialty: Advanced Photoshop Composite Creations

3. Tri-Coast - Specialty: Off Camera Flash Techniques

*** Each of these Advanced classes is a ONE 13hr Module.  It can be mixed with another instructor from the 2 Instructor Track ***

1. Don MacGregor - Specialty: Environmental Portraiture (Group Posing) - 13hrs

2. SMS from PPA HEADQUARTERS - Specialty: Advanced Business Skills - 13hrs