Don't know about you guys but I have to say I am pretty stoked for the arrival of the 5D mk2.
Not only is it better with Newer technology..... but it is even more affordable than the original 5D was ! How crazy is that !
It is 21mpix with iso rating as high as 25,000 and to top that off, it shoots HD video !
Don't believe me ... check theses links out !
Vincent Laforet borrowed the 5Dmk2 Beta for 72 hrs and made this kick ass short movie.

Make sure that once you have seen the actual movie that you go and watch the "behind the scenes" movie on how he actually made it. You can find it on his blog as well.
For image comparisons goto here
scroll through until you have found the images where it compares 6400iso, 12000, and 25000 !
Have fun.
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