Thursday, 12 March 2009

10 Things to Do During the Recesssion !

Here is a list of 10 things you can consider doing during this recession. I know it is tough and hard on alot of people right now, and watching the news is not exactly encouraging either. But try thinking of it this way... if you were just the same as last year right now... would you possible have the time to make some changes in your life that may benefit you for years to come ?

10 Things You Can Do During the Recession

  1. Attend one of the many professional development workshops to upgrade your skill set.
  2. Start a blog if you have not and if you already have a blog, maybe it is time to make some changes or improvements on it or blog more consistantly
  3. Take a Business course focusing just on internet marketing and Viral marketing
  4. Start making a habit to read busines blogs by some of the top Bloggers and Internet marketers out there.
  5. Upgrade the look of your Website !
  6. Re-brand your company
  7. Add a new product line or even learn a new product line now and master it so when the recession ends you will be ready to showcase it.
  8. Team up with a group of photographers to share and work on your skill sets.
  9. Team up with a another photographer and share studio space and costs. (ie. printing...)
  10. Just Be Thankful..... as "this too shall pass".