This is one of the coolest product shot videos I have seen from a photographer! Makes one wonder why we all don't do cool things like this. But that is for another discussion, another time.

Jean-Baptiste is a "sick" (stunning for all you regular folk like me) photographer. Jean shot this amazing poster campaign for T.Le Clerc in Paris. He used a 35mm DSLR and some very creative set ups that clearly show the intense set up for such "simple" looking posters as this one.
If you love commercial and product photography, then goto our V-LOG and check out this video. It will blow you away ! Also check out our Image Explorations website under instructors and look for Joe Glyda. This guy is really the "bomb" (again slang for totally awesome dude) when it comes to product photography. Joe was the Head digital photographer for Kraft Foods for years. Now he has re-joined the ranks of professional photographers working with his wife in their studio. This guy has stories that will make your jaw drop. I kidd you not ! Just buy this guy at drink and sit down and chat with him for a while at IE. You will be blown away at the level of skill, knowledge and wisdom this guy has !
As for Jean-Baptiste Guiton, he spent 10 years in Chicago before he moved back to his home land France where he openned his studio "Studio 29". Now I have to say, after watching this video, I was inspired by just how much fun Jean and his team had in making this campaign poster.
How about you ? Are you having as much fun as they are ?
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