I recently joined an internet marketing study group online where each month we go through case studies and talk about the power of blogging and social networks and social media. In our recent study forum we had a video that truthfully depicted how we as photographers might be trying to "sell" our business.
In this new age of technology, Marketing or Communication has changed. For the better I think. But if we are not careful nor open, we might find ourselves either stuck in our "OLD WAYS" of communication, or bitter and hardened at how other young photographers may be doing better, or we may just become skeptical. Dane Sanders, writer of the book Fast Track Photographer calls this the "Grumpies" or "Grumpy Photographer Life Cycle" (Review on this book and Dane coming Shortly so tune back in !)
Lets face the reality, we have now entered the age of globalization in marketing and photography. And the truth is that our neat "spin" on our words or product line just is not going to cut it any more.
People are longing in our time for "connection", "community", "Realness", "transparency", and a "friend". So lets be honest, is how you talk with your clients much different than how you would talk with your closest friend or family members ?
Got to our V-LOG found at www.myspace.com/imageexplorations and scroll down to the Business Center and play the video.

Afterwards, come back and write me a comment, would love to hear what you think and what spoke to you and what changes you may be thinking of making in your marketing and communications with your clients.
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