Tuesday 11 November 2008

Making a Difference with Photography

Just came upon this article on the cnn.com site.
The Article is about a photographer named David DeJonge and his quest to photograph the last remaining Veterans from WWI. This quest has taken him over the last 2 years to find and photograph the Veterans. Infact 8 of the last 12 he has photographed in the last 2 years are now dead.

It really brings the question, "have you th0ught about how your photography can make a difference ?" Maybe how your photography can leave a "legacy" for others in coming generations whether it be photographers or just people ?

There are alot of things you can do that you can use your photography skills in making a difference.

Here is one way....

"Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" is an association/guild that helps couples who have lost their child at birth, be paired with a photographer who will come and record and capture this last moment with them, so the parents will have a record of the gift of life they had though for a brief moment. If you would be interested in this or other such guilds and associations, contact your local Professional photographers association for more ideas or links.

Or maybe you can start up something NEW that will meet a very special need in your community that will "make a difference".
